June was a busy month for events and this began with volunteers from the Guild attending the Gissing Classic Cars and Country Pursuits event. A variety of classic cars were on display as well as a range of country crafts, skills and pastimes. The Guild had a table and an area to demonstrate the skills of spinning, weaving and dying and those members who attended had a lovely day.

The Norfolk Show formed part of our events calendar and saw members from the Diss Guild join with members from neighbouring Guilds to volunteer in the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (RBST) tent. This busy, two day event was well supported with volunteers demonstrating a range of skills, including spinning, weaving and needle felting using fleece and fibre from Native and Rare Breed sheep. The volunteers were interspersed between different Native and Rare Breed sheep on display in pens throughout the tent.

Visitors to the RBST tent enjoy seeing the mix of craft and livestock on show and this year was no exception.