It has been a busy few months and the Autumn has seen us demonstrating at local libraries in Diss and surrounding towns. During half term volunteers visited Eye, Diss, Thetford, and Attleborough libraries to demonstrate spinning and to talk to the public about all things wool, natural dyes, spinning and weaving. A range of spun yarns both natural and dyed were provided for the public to see and this provided a talking point.

Mary brought her bear to Thetford Library with a wonderful wardrobe of clothes, spun and knitted from the fleece of different breeds of sheep and styled on fashions through the centuries and this too was a great talking point.
In October we were able to invite neighbouring Guilds, with the kind assistance of Norwich City Guild, to a Zoom talk by Amanda Hannaford on “Whorls Around the World”. This was a fascinating talk and Amanda showed us some of her collection of whorls, both ancient and modern as well as demonstrating how to use a supported spindle. Her talk was inspiring and illustrated what an ancient skill spinning is. Our thanks to Amanda for this Zoom talk. Further information on Amanda Hannaford can be found on her website:-
Our November Guild meeting was our AGM and the last meeting of the year. Next year we are doing a fibre and yarn challenge. Watch this space for the items produced will be returned at next year’s AGM!
For now we wish you very best wishes for the festive season and our blog will resume in the New Year.