For our October meeting Juliet gave a short talk on the Spinning Foundation she completed earlier in the year. She brought along her samples and assessment pieces for members to look at, as well as giving a brief description of the course content. The Spinning Foundation is administered by the AGWSD and information about the course can be found at:

Anne Dixon gave a demonstration on how to use beads when making a Dorset Button and brought with her a small selection of the beaded buttons she has made. They looked very festive and inspiring. Our thanks to Anne for showing us how to make them.

November was our AGM and this was well attended with current members as well as potential new members. Once our AGM was over, all those who were involved in the fibre swop exchanged their gifts. It was wonderful to see what members had made with their 100 gms of fibre or yarn. Some projects are still a work in progress but on the whole everyone had made something.

Our challenge for next year is to make a hat using any fibre or combination of fibres and using any technique or combination of techniques eg. knitting, crocheting. felting, weaving. Fibres used may be spun / dyed by the maker, commercially spun, or hand spun / dyed by someone else. Dyes used may be natural or chemical. This sounds like an exciting project, so watch this space!
Our next meeting is in January so until then have a very happy festive season.